Don’t be a dumbbell, observe gym etiqutte
1. Sharing isn’t caring
Memberships here at The Press Room are non transferable. Not only does your keytag allow you into the facility, it gives us a headcount. In the event of an accident or fire we want to make sure all members made it out safe. Please don’t use your key to allow non members in to the club. If you want them to try it out. Call us, text us, email us. I guarantee 10 times out of 10 we will say yes. We will just have them sign a liability waiver and get them setup with a pass.
2. Re-rack your weights
Please ensure weights and equipment make it back to their home. Those 45lb plates on the equipment might be hard for someone to take off, limiting their ability to use it. Plus if you can leg press 450, you can walk them back to where they belong 😉 plus if you didn’t re-rack your weights there’s a good chance you didn’t wipe down the equipment with a sanitary wipe!
3. Proper attire
Please wear a shirt and shorts/ pants at all times in the facility. Not only is it a sanitary issue, it can also make some people feel uncomfortable and that’s not what we are about here at The Press Room. We are all inclusive! Also please use non street shoes while using equipment in the facility. The dirt and salt put improper wear on the equipment.
4. Be courteous
Please treat others as you want to be treated! Please do not use foul language at each other. We are all here for one thing. To better ourselves. Please be considerate and aware of others waiting for equipment. If you are using all cables and 4 sets of dumbbells for supersets and someone needs to jump in, please consider letting them. Please wipe down your equipment after use for the next person to use it. We want to be a safe, and healthy environment for everybody to grow (or shrink depending on your goals)